Classes and Talks

Classes and Talks

FREE “Ask Us Anything” for Parents of Teens and Tweens ONLINE

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024, 9 AM pacific  / 5 pm GMT / 7 pm Tel Aviv

“Ravid & Kirsten saved my relationship with my teens!”

Eye Rolling, Closed Doors, Social Navigation, and School… Welcome to Teenhood. Please come join Kirsten and Ravid, with your questions relating to this unique chapter in your child’s life and your parenting journey. We have both parented through the teen and tween years and would love to share some of what we have learned.

Learn more and register

Hand in Hand Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers, online

Tuesdays or Wednesdays starting in September, 2024

Would you like to…
… transform the connection between you and your child?
… have a better plan for tantrums, aggression, difficulty sleeping or focusing?
… reduce stress and power struggles and increase cooperation and play?
… understand your own triggers that can make parenting so hard?

Join me and other parents looking for the same in this life changing 6 week class! It’s time. We can do this together!

Learn more and register

Raising Happier Teens & Tweens – Staying Connected Come What May

Six Thursdays, September 19 – November 7, 2024, (no class 10/3 or 10/17), 9:00-10:30a Pacific US/ 12:00-1:30p Eastern US/ 5:00-6:30p GMT

You are a good parent. Your tween/ teen is a good kid. Really. But it can be hard to remember when things start to shift in adolescence. Your t(w)een is going through big changes and your role is too.

Learn more and register

Skill Building Group for Parents of Teens & Tweens


If you’ve taken a Raising Happier T(w)eens class or other Hand in Hand Class and want a place to get weekly listening support, to ask questions, to share successes and challenges, and deepen your understanding of these complex adolescent humans, this is a great group to join!

Ongoing Group, Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00am Pacific/ 12:00-1:00 Eastern/ 5:00-6:00p GMT

Learn more and register

Building a Listening Partnership; Getting the Support You Deserve

Plan to offer again in 2024, please contact me if you are interested.

Listening Partnership is a game changing tool that offers support, attention, and care in the places you feel stuck, alone, frustrated, and the myriad of feelings that come with parenting. Any parent can use this tool to feel more confident, relaxed, patient, and compassionate with yourself, your child, and others.

Learn more

Live and Free: Summer’s Coming Are You Ready? Information and Q&A Call

​Thursday, May 2, 9:00a Pacific/ 11:00a Eastern US/ 5:00p GMT

Ravid and I are offering a FREE CALL with tips to make the most of this summer and to avoid some of the pitfalls that so often catch us off guard as we are dreaming of a nice, relaxing summer.

Join us as we share ideas and answer some of your most burning questions on a LIVE, 30 MINUTE, FREE call.
This call is for parents of toddlers -18 year olds, really everyone is welcome.

Register for call

Summer’s Coming! Are You Ready?
Strategizing for a Smoother Summer Using the Hand in Hand Tools

4 week class, Thursdays, starting May 9, 2024, 9:00-10:30 am US Pacific/ 12:00-1:30 pm US Eastern/ 5:00-6:30 pm BST online 

Summer can be a memorable time, but it can easily turn into a three month nightmare…

-Are you hoping for a fun summer?

-Has it ever happened that you have dreams of a wonderful summer but it turned into a disaster just 2 weeks in?

If you want to create a plan for a smoother, more enjoyable summer where EVERYONE is getting their needs met, please join us!

Learn more and register

Summer Book Club: Listen, Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges

4 Tuesdays, June 4-25, 2024, 6:30-7:30p Pacific/ 9:30-10:30p Eastern 

Have you always wanted to read the amazing book; Listen, by Hand in Hand founder, Patty Wipfler and parenting expert, Tosha Schore? 

Well, now’s your chance! This group will be great for anyone new to this approach, seasoned Hand in Hand parents, or anyone who wants to explore the principles and tools that Hand in Hand a little deeper.

 Our book club can be a great way to add some self care to your summer. You deserve support. You deserve to carve out time to soak in that support. 

Learn more and register