Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers

Foundations Course for Parents and Caregivers

Six Wednesdays, October 23 – December 4, (we’ll SKIP Nov, 27, due to Thanksgiving) 5:30 – 7:00p Pacific US/ 7:30 – 9:00p Central US/ 8:30 – 10:00p Eastern US


“…Kirsten’s compassionate, playful and insightful understanding of children (and their parents!) was nothing short of relieving for us. We could suddenly comprehend, appreciate and have tools to deal with our son’s day-to-day excitements and frustrations. She helped us to get out of our own way and be the kind of parents we knew we could be.”
~Jennifer, mom, Austin, Texas

Let’s face it, we love it, but parenting isn’t always easy. Most of us had an idea of how we thought parenting was going to go, what our relationship with our little ones would be, and sometimes what’s happening looks nothing like we imagined.

On a daily basis you could be dealing with meltdowns, aggression, biting, power struggles, sibling rivalry and playmate problems, sleeping and eating issues, school challenges, “NO!” to everything we suggest, not to mention our own triggers in parenting.

You may worry about their behavior, their future, school, social life, overall development, and have your own stresses with work, extended family and your relationships. Add a pandemic and the ripple effects we are still seeing to that mix, and you have a perfect recipe for increased anxiety, anger, fear, and tension. This can easily lead to off-track behavior in both children and parents.

You have worked hard. You have tried things.  It’s time for you to get the support and answers that you deserve so that you can have more fun and laughter with your family. You can have a closer, more connected, cooperative relationship with your child.

Join me for a six week Hand in Hand Parenting Class.

Learn 5 simple tools that can…

  • Transform the connection between you and your child
  • Deepen your understanding of your child’s off track behavioral issues and what you can do
  • Improve cooperation, and reduce power struggles
  • Develop resilience and confidence for both you and your child
  • Provide a way to set limits in a respectful and solution oriented manner
  • Help you understand how your own childhood impacts your parenting

You will get:

  • Concrete ideas for adding play to your daily life
  • An individual “connection plan”, to fit your family’s schedule, based on the emotional needs of your unique child/ren
  • Instruction for how to set up ongoing support for yourself beyond our 6 week class
  • Access to an online classroom with insightful videos, reading materials and audio (for easy listening), discussion board, and additional resources

We will meet weekly, with a small group of parents, for 90 minutes, via Zoom to take an in-depth look at each tool, answer questions about your home situation, hear what you are trying, and get coaching tips. We will devote a segment of each call to listen intently to one another with respect and care.

This class is relevant for parents of children aged infant to teen.

Here’s what another parent had to say about Kirsten’s Hand in Hand Foundations (Starter) Course:

“This class was very critical for me. It helped me to not lose connection with my son in the midst of a very heavy stream of life and to not lose the right mind set with him, by playing with him and listening to know his needs and wants at this time. I am very thankful for the offering and help.”
~ SK, mother, Palo Alto, CA

Wednesdays, October 9 – November 13, 2024, 5:30-7:00p Pacific US/ 7:30-9:00p Central US/ 8:30-10:00p Eastern US
$347 USD
Register for Wed Class

Questions about class or fees? Contact me. I’m happy to help.